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LibreOffice and other free alternatives to Microsoft Office

April 16, 2024

Microsoft Office has long been the go-to choice for creating documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. With its ubiquitous presence on computers worldwide, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are household names.

Fix My Laptop location Clayfield

April 9, 2024

Starting today, you can find us in Clayfield - only 5 minutes away from our old location. We are working from home but have a bigger space now. We are located on Sandgate Road, between Junction Rd and Airport Link. When you drive north on Sandgate Road, turn left immediately after the sign and park in one of the guest spots.

Password manager advantages

March 26, 2024

Are you sick and tired of dealing with passwords? Imagine how we feel, when we try to help people get back into their accounts or set up a new computer! However, remembering and using your passwords can be a lot easier - here is how!

password breaches image

March 20, 2024

Are you using the same password everywhere? This is how most people actually end up getting hacked. Unlike in the movies, there are no guys in the hoodies furiously typing programming code. All they have to do is obtain one password and then try to use it on other platforms.

How to keep your emails when moving to another account

March 7, 2024

We recently helped quite a few people switching away from Telstra and Bigpond email addresses who wanted to keep their email history, including all folders. It's actually easier than it sounds.

computer maintenance tips

February 27, 2024

Just like cars, computers also need routine maintenance to keep them running for as long as possible. Unfortunately, there are no reminders, and your computer won't tell what needs to be done until it becomes too obvious.


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