Hard Drives & USB Sticks

If you've ever experienced the dread of lost data or a broken computer, you understand the frantic search for that old hard drive or USB stick, and hope that the last backup you made months or years ago still works. We stock external drives, SD cards and USB sticks and can set up backups for you.

The 3-2-1 Approach

We recommend adopting a 3-2-1 approach to safeguard your digital life

Consider a setup with your regular hard drive, a backup USB drive for essential files, and an automatic cloud backup for seamless protection against unforeseen events. This ensures your data is shielded from computer failures, accidents, and theft.

  • 3 Copies: Keep three copies of your data.
  • 2 Local: Maintain two copies locally at your home - this could be your computer and a portable hard drive.
  • 1 Offsite: Have one copy stored offsite, preferably in the secure cloud. While it's best to use a cloud backup service that doesn't sync your data ALL THE TIME, using something like Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive is much better than nothing.
3-2-1 backup strategy - two copies local, one off-site

It's time to get in touch with us!

(07) 3857 6875

0403 100 701
