Blog - Old vs new computer - repair, upgrade, or replace?

November 11, 2023

You know how our computers get old and tired, just like any other gadgets? The more we ask them to do, the more they struggle. While the new ones are all fancy and speedy, our old ones start lagging or even crash on us. And then they break... should you repair, upgrade or replace your computer when it happens?

Blog - broken computer signs

October 30, 2023

Are you worried about the health of your computer? It's essential to recognize the warning signs before it's too late. Instead of waiting for a complete breakdown or frustrating error messages, your computer may give you several hints that something is amiss. Here, we'll discuss the common signs that indicate your computer requires repair sooner rather than later.

Blog - Desktop vs laptop choice

October 22, 2023

Laptops are the preferred choice for most people searching for a new computer. They're stylish, highly portable, and extensively marketed. Yet, the question arises: is a laptop truly the ideal choice for your unique needs? You might just realize that a desktop is a more suitable choice for you all along!

Blog - Refurbished computers save money

October 7, 2023

Refurbished computers are almost like an insider secret – you can get great system specs for a fraction of the price. If you are looking for a reliable computer but can’t afford to buy a new one, we got you covered! We sell refurbished desktops and laptops for a fraction of the price of a new computer, complete with warranty and our unbeatable service!

Why you should choose a business laptop

September 23, 2023

People ask us every day about which laptops to buy, especially after having received poor advice by salespeople at big box stores. They follow the advice, buy a laptop, and then... oops, it's not performing like they hoped.

Data backup - prevent data loss

September 17, 2023

Guess what? Your data's best friend is a complete, up-to-date backup. Seriously, even when you don't think you need it, having one can be a lifesaver. So, our friendly advice is: start backing up more often! And here's a pro tip: before you dive into any repairs or system upgrades, hit that backup button. Think of it as your digital safety net.


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